Brianna Hogberg is a professional designer with over 4 years of experience servicing the Livonia, MI area. She specializes in delivering best-in-class design concepts to homeowners by blending style and function.
Who folds the pants in your family?! On an average day, 20 percent of men do housework--such as cleaning or laundry--compared with 49 percent of women, according to the 2014 Time Use Survey released June 24, 2015, by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. http://www.bls.gov/news.release/atus.nr0.htm. No matter what the division of labor in your home, wouldn’t we all appreciate doing that work in an aesthetically pleasing and more efficient space? When’s the last time you considered renovating the laundry room? Here are some functional and stylish laundry room design tips that might make everyone in the house want to spend more time in there:
A room design that works for you. Some homeowners are renovating existing spaces, while others are moving their laundry rooms upstairs to a spare bedroom or a large closet to be more convenient. Once you have the space picked out, think about the work zone it needs to support. Would side by side or stacked appliances work best? Think about how much space you need for sorting and folding. Consulting with an interior designer prior to starting a renovation or buying new appliances may be helpful.
Sorting bins so family members can help manage the laundry process. Bins on wheels can be helpful for even the youngest family members to assist in transporting their clothes to the laundry room.
Fun paint colors or nature inspired wallpaper to make the room brighter and upbeat. If you are fortunate to have a window in the room, play it up. If not, consider adding extra lighting to brighten up the space.
Countertops can serve as the perfect spot for folding and stacking clean laundry. There are so many options for unique counter tops available from marble, granite, stainless steel, laminate, reclaimed wood and more.
Flooring, like counter tops, offer many variations that are easy to maintain. Consider options like tile, wood, laminate and more.
Cabinetry with pull out shelves can help store detergent, dryer sheets, spot removers and other products so these items are off the counters.
Special accessories such as fold out hanging racks and ironing boards are just a few unique functional items to help make the time spent doing laundry easier.
A comfortable and stylish rug and art work can add some personality to the space and make it fit with the rest of your décor.
Do you think a fresh new space that incorporates some of these ideas could make sorting, washing, drying and folding a family affair? We sure hope so. Regardless of who “folds the pants” more often in your household, consider a simple laundry room renovation to help make the weekly ritual less of a chore.
Try it At Home: Children can help with the family laundry. According to the website Wiki How, “most 5-year-olds with a step stool can reach a top-loading washing machine. Have them assist you with each step and explain why you do the things you do. They will slowly learn the process for themselves. A 7- or 8-year-old child should be able to complete this training in a couple of months and be doing laundry with little or no supervision.” http://www.wikihow.com/Teach-Your-Children-to-Do-Laundry